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Oi Polloi, a Eulogy


About the Blog

Move on Up was founded in Summer 2013 as a journalistic and creative outlet for two mates from Middlesbrough. Move on Up aims to report on the happenings in the world of Modernism, a solitary, personalised voice in the sea of technology driven, X-Factor loving, Essex adoring media that is journalism today. From reviewing some of the best up-and-coming artists to showcasing clothes we really dig and writing about those that really inspire us, we like to think we've got a good mix that will keep readers coming back for more!

David in Newcastle, Feb 2019. 

About the Author

David Pottinger is a 29 year old schoolteacher and Modernist from Middlesbrough. In 2013 he, alongside his childhood best friend Graham Barber, founded Move On Up Blog. Move On Up was created so that David could contribute to the scene and write about his passions of football, clothing and music. He has spoken at several Literary events in London over the years. These include 'Mod Lit' Feb 2015, 'Who Lit' Nov 2015, 'Jam Lit I' June 2016, Jam Lit II (as part of The About The Young Idea Expo) Liverpool, September 2016, 'London Voices' July 2018 and most recently 'Mod Lit II' in September 2019. In 2023, Move On Up continues to go from strength to strength. David continues to write regular content and hopes you enjoying reading it as much as he enjoys writing it. 


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In loving memory of Denise Pottinger